Who Killed Christ?

999-Romans Killed Christ


999-Romans Killed Christ (1)


Who Killed Christ?

That question still is wet on the lips of hatemongers. They salivate with the anticipation of their roar. The glint of pleasure is in their eyes. It’s a glint of a self convinced self evident truth. They think there’s still one historical fact they can unabashedly guilt freely blame on their phantoms – The Jews.
Few of us are exposed to religious criticism by Biblical  scholarship and especially archaeological disputation. The media stays away from these sacrosanct subjects. They fear the fury of the religious. But much of the Bible stands on a fast eroding beachscape. Some of the OT or the Torah has been demystified due to historical evaluations. But the power of the Old Testament is still pretty much retained. Its strength is in the literature. Facts are not important there but the value is. Its quality over quantity.

But the New Testament is another matter. Its is accepted as fact that much of the Gospels have been forged, edited and rewritten. The Gospels written by Hellenic converts to Saul of Tarsus/St. Paul’s version of magical paganized Judaism. The original Evangelists had varying degrees of hostility to their former comrade religion. They needed to support Christianity and distance themselves from Judaism. Blaming the Jews or blaming the victim started here. transforming Judas from the Beloved disciple to the great traitor symbolic of all Jews. There is much accepted evidence that Jesus never fought verbal battles with the Pharisees. In fact once studied you see that Pharisees are applauded in the Gospels and the word Pharisee is substituted for Sadducee. The Sadducees were a small sect of strict scripturists that were quisling for the Roman occupation force.
St Paul heard everything second-hand. Christianity is Judaism by a few degrees of separation. It began as hearsay or rumour of what St. Paul thought Judaism was. Through Hellenistic pagan eyes St. Paul, a Greek fan or fanatic summed up Judaism. He made Jesus Christ out of Yeshua Ben Joseph,  The fossilization is so complete we can detect practically nothing of the flesh and blood of the historical Jesus. We only see, whats left, a frozen stone image of Jesus on a crucifix. Exposed to mystery religions and the Gods who were sacrificed for world continuance he could only relate to those ideas.
He was never a Pharisee. He was minimally exposed to the secretive and promising Sadducees who he worked for. Until of course the vision of Christ in his mind.
Yeshua who likely survived the crucifixion was a candidate for Messiah. He was possibly a descendent of David. But he was a learned man, therefore a rabbi and Pharisee. Even today the Roman Catholic Church begrudgingly accepts he was NEVER a Christian. The sand beneath the foundations of these orthodox beliefs are draining away. Time shall reveal all even after 2000 years. Yeshua was on the cross only a few hours. All crucified men were removed on the Sabbath.  That was easily survivable. Yeshua seeing his crucifixion did not incite  a Judaic Revolution had to leave. But he promised his disciples he would return. Tales of Jesus returning as ghost, avatar or God were added in later Gospels. It was a great tale meant to entrance half Judaized followers. There is even speculation Jesus/Yeshua did return at the beginning of the Jewish War in 66 CE. Where was he? France? maybe. But many accounts in Persia, India and Tibet put him there as Saint Issa. As he travelled, Paul invented his Jesus as Zeus religion  to the aggravation of Judeans and irritation of ther Church of Jerusalem.
 But the colouring of Jews did not end with the Evangelists. Eventually Christianity became the religion of Rome. It has to be accepted by Rome. and sacrifices were made. Women were demoted and Jews were demonized. Even more distance had to be placed between  the Jews and the new faith. With the power interlocked with Rome could the Romans be blamed for the GREAT GODS death?? And so the rewriting continued. The Jews had to be blamed and re-editing would accomplish this. It had already begun with the Evangelists of the Gospels.

999 Violations of the Law
The Jews had to be made the scapegoats. Im sure that whoever reworked the NT never in their wildest dreams imagined this would end in massacres throughout the Middle Ages and continuing into a near extermination of the Jews! Biblical scholarship has seen  to some scholars dismay, the evidence of this great forgeries. And these evaluations are slowly leaching into popular culture. The Ages of Reason and Enlightenment have made superstition and abracadabra and presto chango into entertainment.
Still many still cling to magical irrational beliefs.
 There is nothing more magically irrational than to blame groups of people for what their ancestors allegedly did. This type of thinking that flees away from reason and deduction is welcome on the internet today. Conspiracy theory is usually devoid of rationality and is similar to what religion is losing – the faith.
So even today there are fundamentalist Christians who still actually blame the death of the candidate for Messiah on the Jews themselves. So it must be pointed out that Jesus died on a cross. And the Judean form of execution was NOT that but stoning. And the evidence is there to be seen as Jesus/Yeshua himself saves a young woman from stoning. Its right there in the adulterated Gospels.It couldn’t be changed that Jesus  died on a Roman cross. The cross by 330 CE was too important.
Despite the obviousness, the blame was irrationally affixed in the New Testament. The crowds HAD to be turned against Jesus even though they cheered him in his entry into the city on the back of a donkey.
With all these deductions there are still those who love to chew on the nugget of hate and bigotry will still not spit the vile element out. They are too addicted to its demonic pleasure of hatred.

Jesus Christ was a Zionist!

Jesus was a Zionist

Jesus was a Zionist

Jesus Christ  or Yeshua of the Nazareans was indeed a Zionist. What is a Zionist? Zionists have always desired to continue a Jewish presence at the point of origin. That’s Zion a hill in Jerusalem.This includes all efforts to repel those who would like to convert the Jews to other religions. Conversion efforts continue to this day. The Greek Empire of Syria of the Selucid dynasty set up idols to squash the Jewish identity and any propensity to revolt. This actually created a revolt and susequent war that gave Judea and surrounding areas autonomy. So when the Romans moved and began to systematically usurp power from local rulers a century later the reaction was similar. When Emperor Augustus created the Caesar as God concept he demanded the whole Empire religiously capitulate. Jews refused to abandon their worship. The Romans derisively called Yahweh their invisible God. When the Romans took over Judea they made the local rulers and the temple priests into puppets. Eventually governors like Pontus Pilate took over from local kings enraging the populace. The sentiment was now not only restore Judea (Zion) and other Jewish areas,
but the Temple as well.
Since the leaders were comprised as quislings poular grassroots personalities attrempted to restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Some were of the royal line going back to King David. Jesus the Christ was one such rebel.There were many who attempted open revolt like Judas of Galilee others took up the mantle of critic/prophet like John the Baptist (mikveh). Still others declared miracles would follow the presence into Jerusalem. All were crucified as historical research and archaeology have confirmed. Jesus was one person to try a different tack. He believed as  the claimant for Kingshp was based on his royal blood; his crucifixtion would bring about open revoltion in Judea. The quislings Anas and Caiaphas opposed this along with the Romans. Enforcement of the “peace” was a Roman operation. In the Gospels it quite obvious if one read the words that Jesus planned it in detail. Judas his most beloved disciple was made a very convincing betrayer. Jesus wanted to be crucified. In this way he would cause a revolution anf a following revolution. Then he would rule as Messiah or King of Israel, Judea and the Jews. He picked an excellent time so that he would by on the cross on 6 hours because Romans acceeded to the Jews religious demands that no one be tortured on Sabbath. Six hours though excruciating was surviable. A revived Christ would the the the call for liberation. There is evidence that there were poisons or drugs used then to imitate death; and speculation that the liquid presented to Jesus/Yeshua contained such.
Alas, the Revolution never materialized. Now a crucifixtion survivor Jesus was a wanted man. Wanted notices of Jesus still exist. So he had to leave Jerusalem, Judea  and the area. He most likely picked the most safe area away from control of Rome. He might very well have traveled to Parthia (Persia). Maybe he did go to Afghanistan, India, Tibet and central Asia. But he told his followers he would return. There is evidence he did; just in time for the First Jewish War against Rome.He believed that the Jews sovereignity needed to be restored. He was a Zionist!!
Of course wanna-be Jew Paul later merged his pagan ideas of Apollo like ressurrection with Jesus survival  of the cross and promise to
 return into a gentile inclusive religion. But thats another story…