Bogus Pundits of Hate

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Bogus Pundits of Hate
We all depend on experts. So it was particularly
devious when the strategy evolved to create Bogus
Pundits for anti-semitic cause. The first one I
encountered was Len Martin. Quite often the Jews
haters in forums touted the book “In Racist Marxist
Israel”. Now I knew Israel was far from marxist.
The thriving socialism was giving way to
entrprenurial capitalism. Racism? Jews were of many
races. It fit the real world like the term
aparthied. So something was fishy besides the name
of the author, Jack Bernstein. Googling easily
provided an answer. One Googled source said there
was no Jack Bernstein and that the author was
Leonard Martin. And he was a white supremacist.
Aha! I thought. Sure enough more googling showed
the subtext  “By Jack Bernstein as told to Leonard
Martin” Hilarious as I forum posts advocating Jack
Bernstein’s views. Martin had never been to Israel.
His popularity depended on the ignorance of
readers. And there we have the strategy of Bogus
Pundits of hate they can only go as far as hate of
themselves, the sympathetic hateful world of fans
who needed a hate fix, the naivete readers and the
silence of discriminating internet perusers. Many
bogus pundits are from the past. Notorious Jew
haters like Arnold Spencer Leese, Douglass Reed,
Alfred Lillenthial, and Benjamin Freedman. What
delights these bigots is a Jew denouncing his own
people. They LOVE Torquemadas. It really gives them
the giggles. You see they love to hate, It makes
them think theyre significant and gives them a
punching nag to relieve your bewildering puzzle
called life they really dont understand. Now some
of these were and are self loathing Jews like Gilad
Atzmion And maybe Lillienthial. We dont know much
about Benjamin Freedman. He was a Nazi sympathizer
in the 1930s. He was a anti-semitic Catholic who
claimed he coverted. Maybe that why he was a
Freedman rather than the Jewish “Friedman”. Henry
Makow claims he Jewish but in writing to him  al he
knows his crackpot theories about the Illuminati he
invents. Alfred Lillenthial may be gone but for a
long time while incapacitated in the hospital many
works came out with his name. An Israeli
Anti-Zionist Israel Shahak died in 2002 but for
many years tracts came out in his name that were
obviously not written by him, Jews wouldnt write
tracts supported Blood Libel or the Protocols of
Zion. You see he was Anti-Zionist not Anti-Jewish,
But White supremacist writers took his name as far
as possible.
Then there’s David Irving whose identical twin brother considers him a wackjob. Irving rotates from Holocaust Revisionist to Holocaust denial more out of  the strategy of confusion that any indecision
The best bogus pundit in my book is Israel Shamir.
He posted in forums as an Israeli for years. Then
one day he wrote he converted to Christianity AND
RE-CHRISTENED himself as Adam Shamir. WTF?? About
the same time it was revealed in London  that
Israel Shamir was a Swedish white supremacist Joran
Jermas. And he sunk out of sight! Today he has
remerged  with his own Yahoo group. He controls
posts as not to let anyone  reveal his deception to
Many of these bogus pundits have a hard time
speaking in Europe or America. David Irving flips
from Holocaust denial to revisionism all the time.
Germar and Zundel are in jail in Germany because
they forgot that when you deny the Jewish part of
the Holocaust you ALSO DENY the Gentile part thats
5 million dead dear departed. That part amuses me.
You have internet pychos like Rev. Ted Pike who is
not a reverend and Texe Mars here in America, They
are old fashioned Christian fundamentalist Jew
Haters. When these guys speak I say Dont Boo
Them!! Dont Block Them. Debate them  which leads to
Humiliation. They deserve that, We deserve to see

The Nazis were not Christians

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Jew haters with an apologetic slant towards one of the greatest mass  murderers of all time always try to make Adolph Hitler into a church attending
devout Roman Catholic Austrian.Its fairly easy to see in the end result that the Fuherer was no Christian anymore than his colleague in the “How Many Human Beings Can we Liquidate” CONTEST, Josef Stalin.
But Hitler unlike Stalin had to win over his fellow countrymen and church with
PR campaigns that showed him in a positive religiously observant light.
Nazi Documents uncivered show that the NAZI party was a cult with its own customs and goals quite unlike the Church.
It was a strange religion of bloodlines, the Holy Grail, the lost lands of Atlantis and Thule.

Similiarities between Nazis and Hamas





Perusing the internet you can practically hear the wailing lament of those labeling Israel as terrorist. This is called turnspeak. You take a negative characteristic of something you advocate or hold dear and copy and paste it
on the to something you want to denigrate. You are so familar with the subject you knoe how to falsely glue these negative attributes on to an innocent party. You see this when white supremacists call Jews, Jewish supremacists. It works so well with Nazis labels pasted on Israel despite the obvious inaccuracies. Varieties of Jew haters from the left and right react with such enthusiasm and glee in this.The list continues; so you see there is a strategy here. Gaza suddenly becomes a concentration camp when it has no similarities in suffering or size or environment with Auschwitz, Dachau or others. Arab riots against Jews are transformed into a Invasion of Jews in the post Holocaust years.A recurrent tactic is to minimize the Holocaust of 6 million Jews by proclaiming the very same Jews are enacting a Holocaust against the Palestinian people.  They describe the military opeartion against Hamas deep within crowded urban settings as similar to the executions in the death camps. The ratio of survivors to the entire population in both concentration camps and Gaza is so different as laughable. Few survived the death camps almost all  survived Gaza. Even Colonel Kemp, a British officer, remarked considering the total population to the casualties inflicted by the operation the Gaza  Operation was the most humane in military history!!! To this add the Hamas strategy of using the Gaza population in a variety of Human Shields. I often point out that the Palestinian Holocaust is the only one where the victims tripled in population. That ridiculous their tactic and takes the air of of their balloon until they can parrot it later in their typical robotic fashion.  If you know history you ether laugh or cry.
But here I deal with those who call Israel a terroristic state.You ask what is terror. Terror is uncertainty. Never knowing whether the man next to you is a suicide bomber is terror. Palestinians generally know once they commit an act they expect a reaction fron Israel, this has been going on since the 1920s. But Hamas first in its suicide bombing phase 1995-2006 and later the missile stage (2000-9) attacks unannounced and unprovoked. Of course they always use anything as an excuse from insult to hoax for launching an attack. My cartoons here compare this strategy to where Arabs spiritually inherited this from; Nazi Germany. The Nazis were aided by Arabs such as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. And the later his or even employed Nazi War Criminals. They adopted many philosophies from the Nazis that can be seen in heil salutes by Hamas and Hezbullah.
So the conclusion in a rationally, is that Israeli operations  are not random therefire not teroristic while Hamas whether by suicide bomber or by random Qassam rocket is the defintion of terror.